First and foremost, thank you for being the reason we exist today! The dedication you have shown to training and the trust you have shown the coaches here makes SBG SoCal truly special. It is a place full of passionate people from all walks of life that constantly work to improve themselves and build up those around them.
We realize that the past two and a half/three months have been an incredibly trying time on multiple fronts. We appreciate the time you have spent keeping up with your training, encouraging teammates and coaches alike, and demonstrating the positive, determined attitude needed during difficult times. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and they are the reason that we are in the position we are today. With that being said, we are not yet out of the woods completely, but we are now able to resume classes in a more limited capacity effective Saturday, June 20th.
- Group classes will resume during designated times (see attached schedule)
- Training will be non-contact and on a modified schedule (see attached schedule)
- If interested in private training sessions, please call the Coaches directly (numbers listed below)
- All students attending training must sign Covid-19 Liability Waiver and Release Form before engaging in training of any sort
- 6 feet social distancing required
- Masks are required by all staff interacting with public and other staff members
- Students are encouraged, but not required, to wear masks
- All staff will be required to undertake a Daily At-Home Self-Symptom Screening protocol before arriving to work
- Upon arrival to the academy, and before entering the academy, all staff will undergo an additional Daily At-Work Symptom Screening protocol before the start of their shift. This protocol will include the taking of your temperature
- Specific times for deep cleaning will be set and maintained (including high traffic and/or impact surfaces and items used by staff members, gym students and guests). You’ll be happy to know that this cleaning schedule is essentially how we’ve always cleaned the gym.
- All parents/guests are required to sign a Covid-19 Liability Waiver and Release Form as well as a Self-Screen Symptom Check as they arrive.
- All students and guests will undergo a COVID-19 Symptom Screening prior to entering the academy and beginning class
Please come 10-15 minutes early, dressed for class, wearing flip flops, and leave all unnecessary items at home or in your car.
We request parent(s) of Growing Gorilla students (Kids classes 4-8 year old) take class with their child Monday through Thursday (4:00-4:30pm). If it’s not possible, they will still be welcome to class, but please consider this as an opportunity to bond. ?
We ask that all other parents stay in their cars after dropping off their children
- Turn in all signed documents (required on first visit only):
- SBG SoCal COVID-19 Waiver and Release Final
- SBG SoCal Student Daily At-Home Self-Symptom Screening Prior to Training
- SBG SoCal Student High Risk with COVID-19 Questionnaire Form
- Temperature is taken and health assessment questions asked/health confirmed
- If less than 100.4o you will be allowed to enter the academy
- Your hands will be sanitized
- Make your way inside and please be mindful of unnecessarily touching anything on your way to the mats
- Leave your bag and flip flops in an available marked floor space
- You will be directed to a space on the mats, marked by tape
- After class is over please exit the mats in an orderly fashion to give proper distance to your classmates. Collect your belongings and leave out the EXIT only door of the gym (watch the video please, it will of course be marked).
- Please limit your use of the bathroom